Learn Authentic XingYi Quan

Self Defense

Learn practical self defense; from basic kickboxing & grappling you can use right away, all the way up to advanced level XingYi Kung Fu. Hands-on & safe training.


Relax your body, calm your mind, and activate your energy with the traditional Xing Yi meditation methods. 

Health & Fitness

Xing Yi improves overall health with its energy training, and is a form of high intensity cardio. We also offer bodyweight strength training for all levels. 


Michael Tie Ying

Michael started learning XingYi at age 6 from his grandfather, Chang Yu Lin, and then further studied Cheng Style BaGua from Sun Zhijun. 

Due to Chang's profession during the turbulent time of China's early Republic era, his grandfather focused on the combative elements of the system.


Dixon Fung

Dixon Fung is known in New York City martial arts & worldwide. Having studies many styles including Judo, Shuai Jiao, Choy Li Fut & Sanda... he is knowledgable in various martial arts.

He is a champion having won many competitions including the 1984 NYC Judo championship, and has trained many champions. 

He now specializes in Xing Yi which he learned from Michael Tie Ying, has achieved advanced level & authored two books on XingYi. To purchase his books Click Here 


Dan Reck

Dan Reck has practiced Kung Fu for over 20 years, in various styles such as Hung Gar, Northern Shaolin & Tai Chi... now focusing exclusively on Shang Style Xing Yi Quan.

During his search for a higher level of Kung Fu skills he met Dixon Fung in New York City, who demonstrated traditional techniques at a level he had never seen before.

After training with Dixon for many years he has become his senior student, teaches in Western MA & is featured in Dixon's first book

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Training in XingYi is a life changing experience. Learn this ancient, rare, powerful art and become part of an authentic martial tradition 

What is XingYi?

Xing Yi Quan (literal translation: Mind Intent Fist) is one of the Four Major Styles of Chinese Martial Arts. The other three are Bagua, Taiji & Shaolin. Xing Yi core curriculum is based on the Five Elements Fist.

Our branch is Hebei style, more specifically Shang style from the famous Shang Yun-Xiang.

Shang Yun-Xiang (1864-1937)

The Five Elements are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire & Earth... and the foundational training methods of the style are based on those elements. Each element is connected to a major organ in the body, and the practice of the Five Elements Fist stimulates the energy & health of each organ, and the body overall.

There are various meditations & standing postures contained within Xing Yi, which are an integral part of the training. 

                    5 Elements

While the style is often described as being simple & linear in nature, that is only true to the untrained eye. Xingyi contains many circular, fluid & subtly complex movements.

Xingyi emphazises use of the fists & striking at close range, but also makes use of open hand strikes, low kicks, and throws when applicable. We define the 4 skills as Strike, Kick, Lock & Throw. It is possible to maintain skills into your old age due to the internal nature of the art.

XingYi is described as direct & devastating, overwhelming the opponent with rapid & explosive strikes, fast footwork, and highly effective tactics.

History of Xing Yi

The true history & origins of XingYi are shrouded in mystery. There are various legends about its creation, but no one really knows how or when it was created.

The art is often attributed to Ji Ji Ke (circa 1600 AD) who was nicknamed "Divine Spear" for his spear skill. He was the first documented teacher of Xing Yi, and said that he learned the art from a manual written by General Yueh Fei (circa 1100 AD), who had learned it from a wandering Taoist sage. Some scholars believe the art is very old, possibly dating back to the Liang dynasty (circa 550 AD), others believe Ji Ji Ke was the originator. 

What we do know for a fact is that the style was used by armed escorts (biaoju), and by government security forces in the 1800's and as recently as the early 1900's. The originator of our branch, Shang Yun-Xiang, owned an armed escort company that provided security for merchant caravans & the government in Northern China.

This itself is a testament to the real world effectiveness of Xing Yi, and most tournament winners in  Republic era China were Xing Yi or Bagua practitioners. 

We also know that the origins of Xing Yi lie in the military, the style being based on the spear which was the primary military weapon of the time. The style was then adapted for civilian applications, focusing on empty handed combat. 

Soldier with spear

BiaoJu (armed escort) Museum in Pingyao, China

The Curriculum

Your training starts with basic self defense techniques & tactics (kickboxing, grappling), which you will be able to use right away to protect yourself. Fitness & strength are also necessary to learn Kung Fu, your strength & stamina will be built up to prepare you for the rigorous training. 

You will then learn begin to learn XingYi; San Ti standing meditation and Eagle Catch movement. These are the most important part of XingYi training. The entire XingYi system is contained within the deceptively simple looking Eagle Catch exercise. 

After that you will learn the 5 Elements, the XingYi forms, 2 person drills, and weapons. The curriculum itself is not as important as the skills & attributes the student learns. The goal is have the Kung Fu "in your body" so that it becomes second nature, it becomes part of you, so your body reacts correctly without thought. 

Our Training Philosophy

We train each student individually at their own pace, working with their strengths & weaknesses. Traditionally kung fu was taught to only a few students at a time, in order to give each student the individualized training they need to reach their full potential. 

We want the student to progress as fast as possible, while making sure they are mastering each step of the training. The training is a tried and true step-by-step system, each step must be mastered before moving on to the next step. Its the mastery of each step, each skill, that builds the students confidence & ability.

We continue to train with our teachers & even though we are at an advanced level, and have completed the training curriculum, we still want to go to even higher levels and keep progressing, thus bringing our students up with us. In Xing Yi there is always higher level. 

Our primary motivation is to help people defend themselves & improve their health, and to preserve the great art of XingYi for future generations. 

Why Train With Us

The world is becoming more dangerous, and martial arts are the foundation of all self defense.  While many schools hold large classes, we focus on individualized training in small groups, the way true martial arts has been taught for thousands of years. Large classes make it difficult to give each student the training they need to reach their full potential. 

We offer authentic training in kung fu that is very hard to find in the modern world. 

We have retained the training methods & step-by-step system that will allow you to build & apply your skill to defend yourself properly.

All our techniques, tactics & strategies are stress tested not just within our school, but against non-compliant opponents of various other martial arts styles. We have been in real life self defense situations, and take our responsibility of teaching very seriously. 

Xing Yi is unique in many ways, and will give you techniques, tactics & strategies you will not find anywhere else, giving you an edge over the competition. The best way to experience Xing Yi & see what makes it different is to come try it:

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Copyright 5 Elements Kung Fu 

